Daily Lineup

This week's trek is inspired by Robert C. Pozen's research on productivity and finding purpose at work.

Feeling a bit bored with your workday?

Pozen would argue that some of this might be due to a gap in what you ultimately want to achieve and your day-to-day activities. As a result, he recommends trying this quick exercise to find alignment between the two.

Introducing Your Daily Lineup Exercise

What It Is
A 20-minute exercise to see how your day-to-day activities can better support your big picture goals.

Why We Love It 
Work can feel like a drain when the things you are doing don't seem to align with the big picture. This exercise provides an opportunity to examine how you are spending your time so you can seek better alignment between your long-term goals and short-term tasks. 

How It Works
1. Make a list of your top 5 career priorities for the next 6-12 months. These are big picture goals that matter to you and motivate you to get up in the morning. Consider things like getting a promotion, learning a new skill, or developing cross-functional relationships.

2. At the end of your workday, set aside 10 minutes to review your schedule from the day. Make two simple columns and write "activities" on the top left and "purpose" on the top right. Then, list out all of the activities from your day in the left column and describe the bigger purpose it aligns with in the right column.

3. Once you have listed out your activities from the day and their corresponding purpose, take 5 minutes to compare the right column against the top 5 career priorities you identified in #1. Note any areas where the right column does not support what you'd like to achieve in #1.

4. Finally, spend a few minutes thinking through areas where there is no alignment. If over 20% of your day is spent on things that don't line up with #1, select 1-2 items that you can delegate or make more efficient so you can free up more time for your top career priorities.

Source: Fast Company.

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Here's what your fellow trekkers have to say about past treks:

"The creative recovery trek was one of my favorites. This exercise helped me push past my creative blocks. I love using it to clear my mind and reflect by rereading it at the end of the week."
Dama Dipayana, Founder Be Frank
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